A Beautiful Miami Quince Stage and Party at The Hilton Miami AirportBy Willie Torres / November 27, 2014 A Beautiful Miami Quince Stage and Party at The Hilton Miami Airport I cannot say enough about the Calderin Family as this is my second Quince i have had thepleasure and trust to do for them, This time around it was Natasha’s turn and boy did we turn it up a notch with the Moroccan Stage, Arriving to the event on a Camel and room Decor with a Beautiful Quince Stage done by Fantasy Designers. With the Stage Decor looking so fabulous it was up to us to bring the evening to life with Intelligent lighting design and the Best DJ Company in Miami. I Video Creations captured the evening and i can’t wait to see the video! This is one party that will be talked about for years and feet were hurting for weeks lol!